However we recommend drinking wheatgrass juice before 6pm, this is because you get an energy boost from dinking wheatgrass juice and if you drink it any later, you may find you are vacuuming instead of sleeping!!
Wheatgrass juice is a fantastic energy enhancer, so if you take it first thing in the morning it can give you the energy you need to get through the day. If you find you often have a slump in the afternoon, try taking a wheatgrass shot about 1 hour that usual the slump – and wait to feel the difference!
If you suffer from digestive or stomach issues taking wheatgrass juice on an empty stomach can soothe the lining of the stomach and support your health. In fact, as well as giving you an energy boost, wheatgrass juice is great at aiding general improved performance. Learn more about how it can help you by clicking here.
With our 110% money back guarantee, we promise you we can help you stregthen your health and energy. This means no risk for you! This is how confident we are that we can help you optimise your health. Visit ourstore today.
We don’t tend to think about our digestive systems until we have a problem and then the tendency is to use medicine to cure the problem. Indigestion? Have an over-the-counter antacid. Constipation? There’s a sugary syrup for that.
Healthy digestion is essential for optimal wellness
Without a healthy gut we don’t fully absorb the nutrients from the food we eat – and the result is we end up de-energised, under the weather and, at worst, are at risk of developing chronic illnessas the digestive systems fails to delivery what is necessary to repair, maintain and uphold our day-to-day health.
Your intestine is key
Your intestine is actually just as important and complex as your brain. Although it’s often overlooked and ignored until you get symptoms such as gas, bloating, nausea, constipation, indigestion and diarrhoea, your gut is responsible for much more than just eating and bowel movements.
For instance, did you know that your gut has more nerve cells than your entire spinal cord? Or that it accounts for 75% of your body’s immune system? Or that it houses 400 species of microbes and 100 trillion bacteria? Quite impressive statistics, aren’t they?
Since meeting Dr Thomas Rau, from the internationally renowned Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland, I always take my probiotics and go for colonic irrigation twice a year. His research has shown a strong collation between cancer and unhealthy digestive bacteria.
How to help your gut
Without really acknowledging it, many of us need a little assistance with our digestion at some point in our lives – be it sluggishness from over-eating, eating too much of the ‘wrong’ thing or an increasing sensitivity to various foods.
Regular consumption of foods such as ginger can really support your gut health, as can good quality probiotics from your local health food store.
Research has shown that wheatgrass juice can be beneficial for digestive issues, too.
Is going gluten free the answer?
For some people, omitting gluten from their diets for a period of a month or two brings relief from a number of gut-related disorders. Unexplained symptoms disappear, digestion problems abate and aching joints are soothed. Despite the name, wheatgrass contains no wheat (and therefore no gluten), making it suitable for those with gluten intolerance. A detailed study of patients suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Disease found that wheatgrass juice could successfully repair and stop internal bleeding.
A fantastic book by my friend, Anette Harbech Olesen, has some really helpful insights and is good news for anyone wanting to cut down or eliminate gluten. Full of inspiring, healthy recipes it gives practical advice on how to reduce your gluten intake. Just because your diet is gluten-free, it doesn’t mean that you can’t have a burger, a crisp pizza, wraps, pancakes, sandwich rolls or even cakes – you’ll find recipes for all these and more in Gluten-Free Secrets. You’ll also find information on which flours to use as substitutes for wheat, rye and barley, which all contain gluten. Gluten-Free Secrets combines theory and hands-on cooking, offering a host of delicious, appetising recipes for bread, cakes and other dishes.
Eat your way to a healthy gut
Wheatgrass, rich in chlorophyll, is a real nutritional powerhouse. It contains a cocktail of nutrients we need to stay healthy, including iron, magnesium, amino acids, phytonutrients and vitamins A, B, C, E and K. Why not see what a difference it can make to your digestive health with one of our freshly frozen, organic, field-grown superfood juices?
We don’t tend to think about our digestive systems until we have a problem and then the tendency is to use medicine to cure the problem. Indigestion? Have an over-the-counter antacid. Constipation? There’s a sugary syrup for that. Healthy digestion is essential for optimal wellness; without it we just don’t fully absorb the nutrients from the food we eat – and the result is we end up de-energised, under the weather and, at worst, are at risk of developing chronic illness as the digestive systems fails to deliver what is necessary to repair, maintain and support our day-to-day health.
Actually, your intestine is just as important and complex as your brain. Although it’s often overlooked and ignored until you get symptoms such as gas, bloating, nausea, constipation, indigestion and diarrhoea, your gut is responsible for much more than just eating and bowel movements.
For instance, did you know that your gut has more nerve cells than your entire spinal cord? Or that it accounts for 75% of your body’s immune system? Or that it houses 400 species of microbes and 100 trillion bacteria? Quite impressive statistics, aren’t they?
Dr Thomas Rau, from the internationally renowned Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland, has found a strong collation between cancer and unhealthy digestive bacteria. Since meeting him I always take my probiotics and go for colonic irrigation twice a year!
Without really acknowledging it, many of us need a little assistance with our digestion at some point in our lives – be it sluggishness from over-eating, eating too much of the ‘wrong’ thing or an increasing sensitivity to various foods.
Regular consumption of foods such as ginger can really support your gut health, as can good quality probiotics from your local health food store.
Research has shown that wheatgrass juice can be beneficial for digestive issues, too. Despite the name, wheatgrass contains no wheat (and therefore no gluten), making it suitable for those with gluten intolerance. A detailed study of patients suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Disease found that wheatgrass juice could successfully repair and stop internal bleeding.
For some people, omitting gluten from their diets for a period of a month or two brings relief from a number of gut-related disorders. Unexplained symptoms disappear, digestion problems abate and aching joints are soothed.
A fantastic book by my friend, Anette Harbech Olesen, has some really helpful insights and is good news for anyone wanting to cut down or eliminate gluten. Full of inspiring, healthy recipes it gives practical advice on how to reduce your gluten intake. Just because your diet is gluten-free, it doesn’t mean that you can’t have a burger, a crisp pizza, wraps, pancakes, sandwich rolls or even cakes – you’ll find recipes for all these and more in Gluten-Free Secrets. You’ll also find information on which flours to use as substitutes for wheat, rye and barley, which all contain gluten. Gluten-Free Secrets combines theory and hands-on cooking, offering a host of delicious, appetising recipes for bread, cakes and other dishes.
Wheatgrass, rich in chlorophyll, is a real nutritional powerhouse. It contains a cocktail of nutrients we need to stay healthy, including iron, magnesium, amino acids, phytonutrients and vitamins A, B, C, E and K. Why not see what a difference it can make to your digestive health with one of our freshly frozen, organic, field-grown superfood juices?
These juices are loaded with photo-chemicals, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and life-giving enzymes. They’re the building blocks to a healthy, happy body.
Each recipe makes 2-3 servings.
Go Green
1 cup frozen wheatgrass juice or kale
3/4 cup good quality apple juice OR 3 apples
1 tbsp lemon juice
A pinch of freshly grated ginger (optional)
Simply juice the apples (or use good quality bought juice) and the lemon, transfer to a blender and add the frozen wheatgrass juice and ginger, if using. Blend for 15 seconds – and voila, beauty in a glass!
Pink Power
1/2 cup fresh or frozen beetroot juice
1/4 cup coconut water
2-3 fresh strawberries, stems removed
1/4 cup frozen strawberries
1/2 banana
Combine all the ingredients and blend for 15 seconds until smooth.
Gold Cup
1/2 cup fresh mango cubes
1/2 cup frozen peaches
3/4 cup orange juice
1/2 banana
Combine all the ingredients and blend for 15 seconds until smooth.
No matter what age we are, it’s natural for us to want our skin to look – and feel – its best. One of the most commonly asked questions from our customers is how to achieve more radiant skin. The good news is that there are some really delicious yet powerful foods we can eat to put the sparkle back into dull-looking, congested or sensitive complexions.
It makes complete sense that what we put in our bodies is going to show on the outside. Caroline Apovian, MD and Professor of Medicine and Paediatrics at Boston University School of Medicine, specialises in health through nutrition and she’s written an article that should empower us all.
For healthy, glowing skin at any age, try adding these eight food groups to your diet:
Salmon, sardines and anchovies
Oily fish contains high amounts of dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE). DMAE protects skin by strengthening cell membranes and guarding against the deterioration that causes premature ageing. It also increases levels of acetylcholine, a neutrotransmitter that makes your muscles contract and tighten under the skin, keeping your face looking toned and firm. DMAE can also decrease production of arachidonic acid, which leads to wrinkle formation and sagging of the skin.
Broccoli, spinach, kale, wheatgrass juice and Brussels sprouts
Green leafy vegetables, wheatgrass and barleygrass juice are rich in alpha lipoic acid (ALA). Because of its high concentration of antioxidants that fight the free radicals that cause ageing, ALA is one of the most powerful anti-ageing agents available. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory, decreasing under-eye circles, puffiness, redness and blotches, all while minimising the appearance of wrinkles.
Grapefruit and kale juice
Vitamin C, when consumed in fresh produce, helps reverse skin damage caused by the sun and pollutants. It stimulates collagen production, causing new skin growth, wrinkle reduction and an overall smoother texture. Since a single red grapefruit and a serving of kale juice contain more than 100% of the recommended daily value for vitamin C, it’s the perfect way to get your skin fix.
The US Department of Agriculture identifies the blueberry as containing the most antioxidants per serving of any fruit. Not only will those antioxidants keep your skin looking young and smooth, but blueberries also protect against memory loss, cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Didn’t realise your favourite aphrodisiac shellfish could actually be helping your skin? Oysters contain high amounts of zinc, a mineral your body needs to make the proteins that repair damaged tissues and form new ones. Getting enough zinc in the diet benefits not only your skin, but also your nails, hair and eyes.
Walnuts and omega-3 oils
These tasty little nuts are full of omega-3 fatty acids, something your body desperately needs but unfortunately can’t produce on its own. When it comes to your skin, omega-3s work to protect your cell membranes. When the membranes are strong, harmful agents are kept out, nutrients are allowed in and waste products are eliminated from the cells. In addition, strong cell membranes retain more water, leading to moister, smoother skin. I take a spoonful of omega-3 oil every day.
A powerful source of the antioxidant lycopene, tomatoes prevent premature ageing and help to protect skin from the damaging effects of the sun. In a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, participants with a diet rich in tomatoes suffered minimal sun damage after being exposed to UV rays compared to those who didn’t include tomatoes in their diet. The body can process lycopene best after tomatoes are cooked so tomato sauces and soups in your diet are the most effective way.
Eggs contain two key nutrients that are vital to skin health: choline and lutein. The first builds up the fatty portions of cell membranes that are responsible for healthy, smooth skin. Choline also regulates the levels of the B vitamins in our bodies, which are needed to produce collagen and elastin, the proteins that keep skin firm and smooth. Lutein is an antioxidant that protects the elasticity of the skin and prevents skin damage.
We hope this inspires you to add as many of these foods to your diet as possible – and enjoy refreshed, glowing skin that is positively sparkling with health!
Superfoods for super skin
Wheatgrass Juice
Our raw, organic wheatgrass juice contains higher levels of chlorophyll than any other green vegetable. High in antioxidants, it can reduce oxidative stress and helps boost physical and mental performance whilst supporting a healthy immune system.
Delicious beetroot is combined with raw cacao in our refreshing Beetroot & Maqui Juice. British athletes used beetroot juice as a natural performance enhancer during training for the 2012 Olympic Games and whilst we’re not promising record-breaking times, you’ll love how energised you feel!
Our Blended Green Juice, rich in chlorophyll, antioxidants and amino acids, combines wheatgrass juice, matcha tea, nettle juice and barleygrass juice for a powerhouse juice for improved energy and performance.
If we told you there was one mineral that could help prevent depression, cramping, anxiety, dizziness, PMS, migraines, constipation, osteoporosis, kidney stones and insomnia, improve your memory, is critical for bone health and energy production, helps metabolise blood sugar and is involved in over 600 cellular reactions you’d be forgiven for thinking we were exaggerating.
We’re not
Magnesium, the fourth most abundant mineral in your body (every cell in your body contains it), plays a key role in optimum health yet we are often lacking in it without really being aware. After reading The Magnesium Miracle by Dr Carolyn Dean I was inspired to write this blog about why we should be adding magnesium-rich foods to our diet, how easy it is to do so and why getting the mineral naturally – from plants – is more effective than taking a supplement.
The power of Mg
Known as the ‘forgotten mineral’, magnesium acts as the ‘gatekeeper’ for so many of our body’s functions and is involved in over 300 different biochemical reactions. It protects against heart disease and heart attacks, high blood pressure and stroke, type 2 diabetes and much, much more.
Aren’t all minerals important?
Yes – but some more than others. Magnesium, for example, is more important than calcium, potassium or sodium and regulates all three of them. We think of calcium as building strong bones and preventing bone loss but, in fact, it’s magnesium.
How can we tell we’re magnesium deficient?
The answer is – not very easily. When we get too low on oxygen, food or water, it’s fairly obvious. Yes, the consequences can be serious but we get warning signs. The same can’t be said of magnesium deficiency or imbalance.
So how do we get enough magnesium – and what is the right proportion?
One of the major benefits of getting your nutrients from a varied whole food diet is that you’re far less likely to end up with too much of one nutrient at the expense of others. Whole foods in general contain all the co-factors and co-nutrients in the right amounts for optimal health. For example, it is important to maintain the proper balance between magnesium, calcium, vitamin K2 and vitamin D: an imbalance can lead to some of the chronic diseases mentioned above. Quite simply, we need to take in the ratio of calcium to magnesium of 1-to-1; Western diets tend to contain a higher calcium-to-magnesium ratio in their diet, averaging about 3.5-to-1.
I could just take a magnesium supplement, couldn’t I?
You could, yes. But our advice is always to try to improve your diet before you use supplements. The nutrients you’re trying to take in are more easily absorbed at the cellular level when in food form and that’s without all the highly beneficial ‘associated’ nutrients – carotenoids, flavonoids, minerals and antioxidants – that just aren’t in most supplements.
How easy is it to up my magnesium intake?
Green leafy vegetables – kale, Swiss chard, spinach, wheatgrass, seaweed – are rich in magnesium and will blend beautifully into smoothies and juices. Effortlessly up your intake of flaxseed, sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds by adding them to juices and sprinkling over colourful salads.
We recommend these powerhouse juices for their naturally high levels of magnesium.
Our new Rainbow juice collection gives you the chance to mix things up a little, have some fun with flavours and maybe try something new. All our Superfood Juices have fantastic health boosting properties and as an added bonus they taste fantastic too.
Let’s look at them in a little more detail and see which one you are going to try first.
Organic Wheatgrass Juice
Our amazing outdoor grown, organic powerhouse of a juice, really packs a punch! An ounce of wheatgrass juice contains as many nutrients as 1.5 lbs of green vegetables and is much easier to consume! Containing over 100 easily absorbed nutrients and packed full of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and over 80 beneficial enzymes it really is a nutritionally complete food. The high levels of health-giving green chlorophyll in Wheatgrass Juice make it a fantastic energy booster and great at supporting a healthy immune system
Organic Kale, Reishi & Maca
Most of us have heard of the leafy green vegetable kale and may even know that it can help support the immune system and healthy bones, skin and gums, but what about the other two ingredients?
Reishi is a large, dark woody textured mushroom that has been used in traditional medicine for over 200 years. It has been used to treat complaints from tumours to diabetes to liver diseases and whilst more studies are needed, we feel that this is a fantastic herb to include (article).
Maca is a root vegetable known as the Peruvian Ginseng. It has been used in traditional medicine to improve energy levels and has even been shown to decrease depression levels in post-menopausal women (article).
Mixed with mint, lemon and apple this juice is a delicious was to support a healthy body.
Organic Ginger & Turmeric
Second only to our organic wheatgrass juice in popularity this invigorating health boosting juice is bursting with warming flavour. Known to ease digestive issues and nausea, this fresh zingy juice can be enjoyed at any time and in combination with our other superfood juices. Containing high levels of vitamins this juice can help, support a healthy immune system, maintain mental performance and support a mother and child during pregnancy.
So now you know about three of the juices, which one will you try first? Look at our main page to make your selection.
Did you know that Barley Grass is one of the world’s oldest crops? Used as currency by ancient civilizations such as the Greeks and Egyptians, it has long been known for its medicinal purposes. Gladiators ate it for strength and Pre-war pharmacists sold dried varieties as vitamin supplements, a lot of us probably think of Beer when we think of Barley but why should we drink Barley Grass Juice?
According to a study carried out by Yawen Zeng et al.(2018),
“Due to the nutrients, Barley Grass promotes sleep; has antidiabetic effect; regulates blood pressure; enhances immunity; protects liver; has anti-acne/detoxifying and antidepressant effects; improves gastrointestinal function; has anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, hypolipidemic, and antigout effects; reduces hyperuricemia; prevents hypoxia, cardiovascular diseases, fatigue, and constipation; alleviates atopic dermatitis; is a calcium supplement; improves cognition;”
To look at a few of these in more detail:
Immunity Boosting
Barley Grass is high in many key nutrients that help to support the immune system, such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and enzymes. This gives your body the nutrients it needs to fight off infections.
It is very high in vitamin C which is crucial to the overall health of the body and its efforts to fight off infections – both bacterial and viral.
White blood cells contain 20 times the amount of vitamin C than other cells and require constant replenishment to keep the immune system working to its optimum capacity.
Promotes healthy, skin, hair and vision
Barley Grass is rich in chlorophyll, vitamin B and iron – all these components play an important role in renewing and regenerating cells, thus maintaining healthy skin. Quercetin gives elasticity to the skin and also prevents the development of folds of loose skin.
Helps Digestion
Barley Grass is a natural source of organic sodium, which is needed by the lining of the stomach. As it is also rich in digestive enzymes it reduces the toxins in the body and restores the lining of the stomach. Barley Grass helps keep a balance in the gut and keeps fluids from building up so can be particularly beneficial for people with symptoms of digestive issues.
No Gluten or Barley/wheat
The Barley Grass leaf does not contain any gluten nor barley as it is the young leaf. Gluten is a general name for the proteins found in wheat or barley and it is contained in the corn, which is developed much later. The Barley Grass or Wheatgrass does NOT contain gluten or wheat/barley.
Is a good source of protein and fibre
According to celebrity nutritionist Gillian McKeith, Barley Grass offers “more protein than a Sirloin Steak, 5X the iron of a head of broccoli, 7 x more Vitamin C than an orange and 11 x more calcium than milk”, meaning that for us it can reduce constipation and generally help with stomach health.
Improves Insulin Resistance
According to several studies, Barley Grass can improve insulin resistance and lower sugar levels, which helps people with diabetes control the changes in their sugar levels throughout the day. It has been found that, the antioxidants and vitamins found in the Barley leaf help this condition.
We are the only company in the world who can bring you fresh, raw, Organic Barleygrass Juice in its purest form. Barleygrass juice is exceptionally rich in essential enzymes, vitamins and nutrients, which mean that consumption can support normal muscle function, boost a healthy immune system and protect your cells from oxidative stress. To purchase the Barley Juice click HERE